Monday, April 21, 2014

Thank you Coder Camps!

The blog is back! We had a long weekend at Coder Camps and the timing could not have been better. I didn't take the entire three days off from coding and studying but setting asidethe blog, and Visual Studios (for the most part) really helped me to recharge and get ready for phase 2.

Speaking of which, today was the first day of backend development. We dove into C#, Razor, and .Net MVC. Talking about the differences between Javascript and C#  also led us into a discussion about interpreters, compilers, and CLR.

Today was another great example of why a place like Coder Camps is worth the money. Last year I was teaching myself some C# and I learned quite a bit from youtube tutorials and hacking away at my own projects.  But there are so many concepts that you can't fully grasp, or can't understand the importance of without the benefit of an experienced teacher giving you context and direction.

A quick and very simple example - I had seen the term namespace before, but I didn't really understand what I'd do with it. I was able to put together apps that worked just using classes, so what's a namespace good for?  Well I wasn't building web apps back then, and I certainly was not using MVC. Today, when we put a simple MVC app together the benefit (or at least one of them) was obvious from the start.

I doubt there's anything I'll learn at camp that I couldn't have learned on my own from the web and a few good books - but the time saved is tremendous! What I learned in the last three weeks would probably have taken me three months or more of self directed study.  Probably longer as I would have been doing so many things the hard way without knowing there were better methods available.

So thank you, Coder Camps! Without your program my dream of becoming a developer would still be just that, a dream. With you, its fast becoming reality.

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