Yesterday I mentioned I was proud of myself for completing all the stretch goals from Tuesday. Of course, the next thing that happened was, I hit a wall. Last night's stretch goal included writing an anonymous call back function, amongst other tasks, with no more direction than what I just described. We've talked about callbacks before, and used one once or twice but its not a subject we'd really studied yet.
I did not complete the stretch goals. I did learn several ways in which you cannot write anonymous call back functions (or rather several ways you can write them if you don't mind them not functioning as expected).
Today we covered the subject in depth and I learned how to make use of them (and when not to make use of them) to make code more readable, flexible, and to help with separation of concerns. I also got to see some new approaches to DOM manipulation I had not thought of previously. We also learned how to write some helper functions that reduced our need to query the database for as much information, and as frequently was we were doing earlier in the week.
Finally, we started working on a 4 day project making a Twitter clone. Each student in my class will create their own App including individual databases and UI's that will include our own profile, our tweets, a friends list, our friend's tweets, and the ability to see friends of friends and add them to our own friends list.
Our App should also allow us to edit our own profile, as well as edit and delete our own tweets. This one's going to go in my portfolio for sure. I can't believe how much ground we have covered in under two weeks! Next week we dive into Angular.JS and the week after its time for backend and C#, which I can hardly wait for!
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