Sunday, May 11, 2014

Portfolio Page is Up, Coder Camps Final Exam Done, and Group Project About to Begin

Lest I forget to mention it, I've been working on my portfolio page - more work to be done later today (including adding a few more project links) but its at a stage where I feel I can show it off. Take a look here -

Okay, now time for another update from Coder Camps. Last Friday my troop took the final exam covering the full stack. This was the most rigorous exam we've had here, but the hard work, long hours, and quality instruction paid off. I scored 98.96% on the final, bringing my average for all exams up to 98.63%.

Tomorrow we begin working on our group project; which will consume the next three weeks of my life. My group elected me as Team Leader, which is both an honor and quite a responsibility. We'll be working on a real-world application - a Jr. Devs job site. The project has been worked on by four separate troops before us. With luck my troop will be the one to finish the project and I'll be able to see the site go live on the internet when I graduate from Coder Camps.

We will be starting with several days of just reading through the existing code and documentation, understanding the business requirements, and planning our next steps. We'll be fixing known bugs, finding new ones, completing some functionality that the previous troop started on, and also breaking new ground: building the site's Admin tools.

The App is a single page application built on Angular and MVC 5 and a SQL database. If working on something like this sounds intimidating, just remember, at the start of camp I had never touched any of those tools. And now I can't wait to dive in.

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