Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Dusting it off

I happened to get curious about my portfolio page today. I was moderatly surprised to see it still rendered at all, considering it has been gathering dust for two years. Nonetheless, it remains intact! Until you click on all the links at least...

For the past two years I've focused almost completely on developing my skills through my paid work as a Software Engineer, with little to no love paid to my portfolio page, or any of the linked projects.

The result is not unsurprising - dead links, and out dated content.

So this provides the necessary motivation for me to start off a new round of blogging as I roll up my sleeves and get busy with clean up and refactoring.

Today, we'll just set some goals:
  • Remove dead links.
  • Update my "latest blog entry" to actually point at my latest blog entry.
  • Write the TypeScript with Angular 1.X style guide I've been meaning to write.
  • Review my old (two years is ancient!) projects - pick some to refactor, and others to just shudder at as I am faced with what my coding style looked like two years ago.
  • Blog about it as we go!